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Showing posts from September, 2009

Comings and goings and launching into 24/7 works of justice…

Have you ever planned to write your blog and then just gotten distracted by email and other things? Well that is my excuse for not writing for weeks…I’ve thought about it many times and it’s on my list of things to do, but that doesn’t really mean anything unless I sit down and actually write. Wow…so much has been going on these past weeks I don’t know where to start. Love my new house. I’ve gotten used to the fact that the toilet and bathroom are carpeted. Not what I would personally choose to put on the floor, but it works and not focusing on it makes it liveable. Getting settled and just being able to relax in the peace of this house has really strengthened me and makes me so thankful for God’s provision. It’s so nice to be able to wake up in the morning and see the sunshine through my window (unless it’s a healing rooms morning, in which case it’s still dark when I get up at 4:30 am). I also love having my room on the 1st floor (i.e. up one flight of stairs). It really means that w...

And then it was Friday.

Time has gone so quickly. The wedding last Saturday was really good! The bride was beautiful and everything went really well! Moving was also surprisingly stress-free. We managed to move the stuff before I needed to head off to my BBQ, and although I wasn’t able to totally unpack the same day, at least I could sleep in my new room and I’ve spent the week slowly but surely getting myself organised. It’s a good house. Not as beautiful as my last one, but very peaceful and I am enjoying it here. The absence of internet makes things a little bit tricky, but hopefully we’ll get that sorted soon. It’s truly been a busy week. It’s funny how just a few extra things seem to consume time. The other night I realized I needed to get my vote for the Norwegian governmental elections in the post so it would arrive on time. It was already late when I remembered, so obviously it got even later by the time I’d actually filled in the paper and placed it in the 3 envelopes required for it to be considered...