The sun is blinding my eyes here I’m sat in my living room in Norway, it’s winter and so the sun is low in the sky and in a few hours it’ll be dark. Oh, I miss summer! I’m listening to the IHOP-KC webstream and trying to put together a presentation about Brazil for a group for the elderly in one of the local churches here. It’s a strange coming together of two seasons in life. The prayer room blasting: “there is no-one like You in the heavens or on the earth... Jesus you’re beautiful”, while I’m trying to go back down memory lane both in my mind and heart to the 7 years I spent in Brazil. It’s been so long (I left Brazil in 2007), yet when I start looking at photos and reading old newsletters it feels so recent, or even like I’m still in the middle of it. One thing I realise is that I’m not a natural teacher (I do know that I can share and pass on stuff, which I guess is what teaching is, but that’s not what I mean) because it’s taking me ages to get started on this presentation and it...
Life is a journey full of weird and interesting experiences. As the years go by, what was once new and different, has become part of the ordinary and usual. And those things which once brought amazement, no longer catch my attention. So instead of letting the new and exciting fade into nothing, I want to try to capture and keep some of these moments.