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Reflections on jetlag, a whirlwind and then sunshine.

I suddenly realised I hadn’t actually posted this litte bit, so I will include it as an introduction to today’s post. Written on 22 April:
“Well, I’ve been home for 5 days now and you would think that I would have gotten into the time zone I’m in. But no, I still feel like I’m on USA time. Last night I went to bed around 3 am, and got up around 11:30 am today. Come to think about it, it’d be useful if I were doing the “Night Watch”, but I’m not. It doesn’t really matter at the moment as I don’t have anything pressing that I need to do in the morning, but it would be handy to get back to a rhythm that “normal” people have. Tomorrow should take care of it though as I have to get on a train at 6:16 am to head up to YWAM Grimerud for a prayer conference.”

As I got up to get the train at the “decent” hour of 5 am it felt a bit like being back at IHOP-KC. There I used to leave at 5:50 am, so leaving at 5:55 am wasn’t too far off. After a 10 hour trainjourney (including a few hours on the “bus for train” because of railtrack problems), I arrived at Grimerud (YWAM). It was a long journey. That’s all I can say. Long. Although, when I was waiting for my trainconnection in Oslo I saw this lady go up to a young boy and ask for money. Sat opposite I witnessed the whole scene, and it blessed my heart. The lady was speaking English and had some story about needing money for food or something. The young man was very polite and let her speak. He then responded that he wouldn’t give money, but did she want some food? The positive response led him to get a whole bunch of bananas out of his rucksack and give them to her. I was blessed by the respect and dignity he showed this lady. It made me hopeful for the generation growing up (although I am not that much older then them).

The prayer conference I went to at Grimerud was very good. I even got to share a bit about “Human Trafficking” which went ok. It’s an issue I carry in my heart and it was good to have an opportunity to share my heart. I also got a chance to share at the base prayer day about intimacy with Jesus. Quite a lot of speaking in front of people for a week, especially taking into consideration that I really don’t feel comfortable in front of people. But hey, when I am weak God is strong!

The time at Grimerud was also a good time of meeting people I have come to love, and catch up with them. I felt so very loved and welcome. Time was short, but I managed to squeeze in having coffee at several peoples’ houses! I had a really good chat with my leaders looking at where the journey goes next. It is so good to have wise people to help me in figuring out the way forward. The conclusion we reached is that God is directing me to go back to IHOP-KC, this time for a bit longer period of time. And go back with a special focus on getting involved in the issue of Human Trafficking. It is a time to be a “voice for the voiceless”. There are still many details to sort out and I don’t think I’ll be going till August at the earliest. But it’s good to know where I’m headed in the future because it makes it easier to organise my steps in the present.

With the whirlwind of a time at Grimerud ending, I arrived home with direction, but no details. So that is what I am doing now. Making contact, getting information, and taking things one step at a time. I know God’s direction, and I am doing my part in getting there.

And while I am in this process of going back to the States, I decided it was good to not just sit around, but do something useful with my time (and save up some money at the same time). So last weekend I sat writing my CV. It was strange because I handn’t had to write one for years, and it was a bit challenging to figure out how to word and set out the whole thing. I’d gotten some tips about possible openings for jobs, and so I neatly folded and sent off some applications yesterday. Now I am just waiting to see if I hear back from any of them.

I am quite content to wait, at least for a few days, as we are having absolutely stunning weather at the moment. I think the fact that I was sunbathing on our varanda for several hours today says a lot! The sunshine (and also being back home with less of a whizzing around) makes me miss Fortaleza. Today I was updating the blog for “My Father’s House” (, and part of me just longed to get stuck into seeing God’s Kingdom come in that city. But I know that God has other things for me, and I also know that God’s best is the best.
So there you go. Two weeks nicely typed into a little blog-post. It’s exciting to go through life with God, and I find the biggest challenge is to remain at peace and trust in Him. History shows that He is ALWAYS faithful, and so I know that He will continue to be faithful to me in this next season of life.

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