So here were are, final hours in Riga, Latvia. It’s been a great weekend. Church was great, although a tad challenging to listen for English in the midst of Latvian and Russian, but wonderful worship and wonderful people!
The weather was cold and church lasted a long time, so we ended up not going the museum. Instead we popped to the cinema, before cooking a delicious pesto and chicken lasagne (which we’re eating the leftovers of for lunch today).
This morning I headed out early to get some fresh croissants and flowers for breakfast since it is Lysette’s birthday (the girl we’re visiting). It was great to be able to have breakfast with her, especially since she has work today and we don’t get to see her much. After breakfast I went to a little cafe close by and had some coffee, tea, and a sweet pastry thing with ricotta cheese and jam inside (it was interesting). I am sharing a bit with a DTS outreach team on Wednesday about intercession and justice, and wanted to start preparing a bit for that. It was really relaxing to sit in the cafe, do my preparation, and in a small way be part of a Monday morning in Riga.
Now I’m packed and hoping my luggage is the right weight. In a minute we’ll have lunch and then in not too long we head off for the bus to the airport. We get in to Amsterdam this evening. It feels like we’ve been here for ages, yet like we just got here. Time has gone so quickly. I am in a bit of a swirl, but that’s ok. It’ll be good to make a schedule for my last two and a bit weeks in Amsterdam, and I hope that that time will bring me clarity and peace about the way I’m to walk.
The weather was cold and church lasted a long time, so we ended up not going the museum. Instead we popped to the cinema, before cooking a delicious pesto and chicken lasagne (which we’re eating the leftovers of for lunch today).
This morning I headed out early to get some fresh croissants and flowers for breakfast since it is Lysette’s birthday (the girl we’re visiting). It was great to be able to have breakfast with her, especially since she has work today and we don’t get to see her much. After breakfast I went to a little cafe close by and had some coffee, tea, and a sweet pastry thing with ricotta cheese and jam inside (it was interesting). I am sharing a bit with a DTS outreach team on Wednesday about intercession and justice, and wanted to start preparing a bit for that. It was really relaxing to sit in the cafe, do my preparation, and in a small way be part of a Monday morning in Riga.
Now I’m packed and hoping my luggage is the right weight. In a minute we’ll have lunch and then in not too long we head off for the bus to the airport. We get in to Amsterdam this evening. It feels like we’ve been here for ages, yet like we just got here. Time has gone so quickly. I am in a bit of a swirl, but that’s ok. It’ll be good to make a schedule for my last two and a bit weeks in Amsterdam, and I hope that that time will bring me clarity and peace about the way I’m to walk.