Wrapping up.
So, final week in Brazil. It was lovely, sad, busy, impacting, and a time of wrapping up and getting closure.
The last weekend of my time (I travelled on a Friday) most of the staff went off to do an evangelistic impact in Juazeiro do Norte. I had already decided not to go, and went away for a few days with my friends Peter and Selma and their children to a lovely flat in a place with a pool. It was a lovely retreat. Apart from loving the pool and getting a nice tan (very important J, although sat here in cold November in Norway, my tan is covered up by warm clothes), it was so precious to have some quality time with good friends. We chilled, ate nice food, watched good films (and less good ones, if you’re considering watching “Final dance” with Patrick Swayze, it really isn’t worth it at all… I think there are few films I would say are worse than that one), chatted and hung out. It was great. A perfect ending to my time.
Getting back from the little retreat, the week went by very quickly… it was filled with mostly catching up with people I hadn’t yet caught up with and saying good-bye to others. And packing of course. Packing is always a “joy”, although it was pretty painless this time round. And eating. Final Açaí na tigela, tapioca with banana caramelizada and doce de leite and cheese, pāo de queijo, suco de maracujá, and coconut water.
The day of leaving came around very soon and I had a lovely surprise breakfast with all the staff. I realized how many good friendships I have there, both new and old. It was sad to leave. It had become kind of normal to be there again… and at the same time it felt like it was time to go.
Looking back I realize my time in Brazil was such a gift from God. And His timing is so perfect. I know that had I come earlier or later it would not have been the same. I know that it was one of those “for such a time as this” times, and I know that it was time to be there, but that it was also time to leave when I left. I feel so blessed by all that I take with me from that time. I know I was able to give some and bless and serve, but I think I received more than I gave out. I am so thankful.
I am thankful for many opportunities to teach and share, and thankful to see how I have grown in both confidence and I think skill in this area.
I am thankful to have spent 3 months with people who love God, and love the poor and needy and know God’s heart for them.
I am thankful for the little prayer room where I could talk to God about His heart and the people around me, and discover His dreams for them.
I am thankful to have seen Jesus in people who walk through life obeying Him and not led by their own selfish ambitions.
I am thankful for the opportunities to connect with the needy and broken, bringing hope which comes from God, to them.
I am thankful that my heart again could come alive as I saw the poor and lost through God’s eyes and heart.
I am thankful for the opportunity to pray for and speak life into boys in prison, and see in their eyes that the words hit their hearts.
I am thankful for the sunshine and warm weather.
I am thankful for the beach.
I am so thankful that I could take this trip and thankful that God went with me.
And I am thankful that coming back to Norway, He is still there. Right beside me, and ahead of me, guiding me, always.
Landing. The question that immediately pops into my mind is: “which airport?” I feel like in the last 3 weeks I have been on so many planes and at some many airports, they all kind of blend into one. Leaving Brazil it took three flights to get home. Coming home was lovely. So nice to see family again and, oh my nieces and nephew are so big. It’s amazing how quickly the little ones grow and change in just 3 months!
Less than a week after coming home from Brazil I hopped on a plane again, this time to spend 6 days in England connecting with friends there. It was lovely! Always lovely to catch up with good friends. Lots and lots of tea (mostly Earl Grey of course), chatting, praying, time on trains, catching up. It was so good, but maybe in hindsight I packed a bit too much into the short week I was there. Note to self: plan more time in England next time I go.
In Norway we have a saying which is “snu i døra”, which basically means leaving as soon as you arrive. And that is almost what I did. I had one day at home after coming back from England, before I again got on a plane headed to Oslo, the destination being my YWAM base in Grimerud, which is a little north of Oslo. It was another good time of connecting with people again, spending time in the prayer room, and getting signed up again as a partner missionary with the base with my going to Amsterdam in mind. It was good, but I must admit that sitting on the plane home again the next day I was relieved to know that I had some weeks ahead of me with no travelling. I don’t mind travelling, but I travelling is tiring and it’s the destination that matters, not so much the journey in itself. Well sometimes the journey can be fun also, but it can get a bit much.
Looking forward.
It’s a week today since getting back. Feels like longer. Monday I started looking at the YWAM school/ course I’ll be leading when I move to Amsterdam next year. Initially it all seemed quite overwhelming, but I always find that the overwhelming gets more manageable when approached one bit at a time, which is what I’m doing. It is a challenge though, being here and not there and trying to figure out things. But the good thing is that God is with me even in that. And I know that He is so able and He always sees the whole picture.
Which brings me to this moment. It’s late and the rest of the house is quiet and sleeping. I am sat here writing this with such a good peace in my heart and a smile on my face. Life is good. This is a good moment.