I opened my eyes, and in the corner one of my friends had her hand on the head of a little girl. She was probably 4 or 5 years old. As my friend prayed for her, the little girl’s head was bowed and hand stretched out. It was a beautiful picture of Jesus encountering the little ones in His presence. Encountering a little girl who is full of joy and life and who loves to shout to her friends from the balcony of the prayer room. And yet the prayer room means more to her than simply hanging out with people who treat her well. The prayer room also represents a place where people love God as they love her. It’s the perfect place for a prayer house to be located; in the midst of a community where children are so in need of love and encouragement. And what better place to teach them the way they should go. As we were leaving the prayer house, having asked for God’s presence to bring transformation to a community full of violence, we greeted several ones that we passed along the ...
Life is a journey full of weird and interesting experiences. As the years go by, what was once new and different, has become part of the ordinary and usual. And those things which once brought amazement, no longer catch my attention. So instead of letting the new and exciting fade into nothing, I want to try to capture and keep some of these moments.