Living is a process of
building. Building life. Building relationships. Building a routine and a
day-to-day. I have been reflecting recently on the process of building in this
season of my life. As different bricks in life are coming into place, it’s
almost like an invitation to be faithful in how I build them into my life and
steward them. I can either hold them loosely or choose to fix them into this
life I am building.
I recently added an extra job into the mix. A job where I work with people. People who function differently and yet still have complete value in the eyes of God. People who I find it a challenge to connect with, and yet realize are very much connected into the heart of God. Again it’s an invitation to embrace the opportunity to get revelation of what God’s heart looks like for these ones. As I work with them I want to see them not just as another job I am doing, but as a job I can do with purpose and the right perspective.
Perspective. Life is
lived through perspective. Right now the pace of life has gone from slow to
heading into busy, and yet I desire to see it not just through the perspective
of walking through the tasks of every week, but through a perspective where my
life can have a greater purpose then just making ends meet and contributing to
our society functioning.
Society. It’s funny
how it seems like having entered into the Norwegian society, there are a number
of expectations and things that are simply part of living in a country of many
shifts in weather and climate. With outdoor activities being high on the list
of extracurricular activities in the life of the “average” Norwegian, raingear,
skiing equipment, wellington boots, raincoat, hiking boots, winter jacket, and
numerous items of clothing made of wool make up quite a list of needed items.
Yet at the same time I look at my life and wonder how much of it is really
necessary. I don’t want to fall into the trap where I feel like I “need” a
bunch of things to be in place here. And yet, I must admit that I do see the
wisdom of it. The wisdom of a raincoat and boots when it’s cold and raining, so
I suppose I will have to acquire them in time.
I keep building.
Building a home and a life here in Norway. Trying to be intentional in the
places I am and go, and steward the things I am doing well, while looking for
God’s heart in them.
And as I build and
journey, and as life goes from slow to busy, I try to remain at peace. At rest
in God which is a “rest” that doesn’t change with the pace of activity. A peace
and a rest which is constant and eternally available.