Well, I didn’t quite manage a picture a day, but I won’t let a few days of not doing it deter me from moving forward in my little project. What’s a few days missed anyway?
Today I baked. I started off baking Christmas cookies (to put in my very nice red plastic cookie tins with snowflakes on). At first I wanted to bake 4 kinds (in Norway you traditionally do 7 kinds of cookies for Christmas), but then I thought I’d do just one, and ended up baking two kinds and making the dough for a third which I’ll finish tomorrow. I made serinakaker and kokosmakroner (for those of you who know what they are). They turned out well!
Today I baked. I started off baking Christmas cookies (to put in my very nice red plastic cookie tins with snowflakes on). At first I wanted to bake 4 kinds (in Norway you traditionally do 7 kinds of cookies for Christmas), but then I thought I’d do just one, and ended up baking two kinds and making the dough for a third which I’ll finish tomorrow. I made serinakaker and kokosmakroner (for those of you who know what they are). They turned out well!
But the baking didn’t end there- I then realised that I had two bananas that were getting close to the end of their days, and so I decided to make some banana-bread muffins. And then I remembered that when I’d gone shopping yesterday I didn’t buy bagels because I wanted to bake wholemeal bread rolls, and so I make that too. They turned out really well! Light and tasty (I think the key to successful rolls is to put sunflower seeds in them, the crunch adds that little extra), and I am so glad I made them.
Like I mentioned on Thursday, I’ve been at the “Prophetic Hearing Intensive” the past few days, it was organised by something called the “Joseph Company” which is a part of IHOP-KC and focuses on people who are in the marketplace (i.e. not in ministry but in the workplace). It was so good! I think what remains with me as the key to growing in the prophetic and hearing God’s voice is just devotion to Jesus and knowing His nature and His character. That’s it! If we spend time in devotion to Him and seek to know Him more, we will hear His voice and recognise it more. So simple! And also the Revelations 19:10 reality, that the spirit of prophecy is the testimony of Jesus. Which kind of says it all.
It’s been a good few days. And tomorrow is a new week!
Here’s a picture, which really remind me of Christmas. I love the colours!