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Reflections on January and part of February.

I couldn’t find my journal the other morning (or my water bottle for that matter). I didn’t panic, but I thought it would have been kind of sad if it is actually lost, because I had a lot of good stuff written down in it. Thankfully I found it later on in the day. I’d left it on the kitchen table in a bag I don’t usually use, and so my housemates thought the bag belonged to someone downstairs and had kindly taken it down. After reading my note (which I wrote in the morning to see if they could help me solve the mystery of the missing water bottle and journal) they realised that it was my bag and brought it back up.

Since it’s been a very long time since I last wrote here on my blog I wanted to jot some things down which I want to remember and so it might seem a bit disjointed at times.

The last month and a bit have been eventful. I am finally done with my staff process here at IHOP-KC. I am now officially staff! I am excited. It also means that suddenly my time is more fixed then it was. I have my 48 hours of prayer room and service spread out over Mondays to Fridays, which makes some days pretty full. But it’s all good stuff and I am enjoying it (I am sure that when I have one of those bad days or weeks it’ll be a bit hard, but bad weeks are hard anyway)! I get to encourage people and pray for people every single day as my job! I get to be a part of changing nations through intercession- every day!! And as much as to some people it might sound quite foreign and like a waste of time, I assure you that it is hard work and it is worth it!

In addition to doing prophecy teams I am also doing healing teams, which is basically praying for Jesus to heal those who are sick. It’s really exciting, and it’s so great to be allowed to meet with people in need and ask Jesus to bring healing to them. I’ve been reading in the gospels of all the different ways Jesus healed people, and apart from the actual healings, it’s so touched my heart the way Jesus treats each person individually and knows what they need.

One thing that has been lovely, if a bit strange, has been the weather. It feels like we’ve almost experienced all the seasons in the last few weeks. Of course we’ve had our share of really cold, well below zero weather, but we’ve also had really warm weather. Last week Friday I actually went for a walk in a t-shirt and flip-flops. In the beginning of February!!! It was almost 20 degrees, and although that isn’t scorching hot, it’s like a mild summer day in Europe. It was so lovely. I felt the rays of sunlight warm me and bring me energy. I am convinced I was created for warmer climates.

I got some bad news from Fortaleza a few weeks ago which made my heart heavy. Two of the kids, now young adults, that I worked closely with had died. Diogo and Janaina’s bodies just gave up after years of drug-use and sickness. It made me miss Brazil a lot and made me cry out God with greater intensity for those who are in desperate situations in the world!

Tomorrow is Valentine’s day here in the USA and so the shops have been full of hearts and pink and red, actually ever since the end of December which I think is really funny. It’s been so nice though as on our healing teams the leaders have brought us cookies (i.e. nice frosted biscuits) and candy (i.e. chocolate) to celebrate “Valentine’s week”. I do have a very sweet tooth so this week has been perfect for me.

I think I shall leave it at that, and attempt to write more often as it’s so often it is in the moment that the inspiration to write is there. I would like to add some photos also, but my memory card, which I got in November, has decided to not work anymore. I really need to go to a camera shop and see if they can fix it and salvage the photos on the card. It’s a bit of a bummer as it’s kind of tricky to find time to sort it out, but maybe next week it’ll work out…I just have to remember it in the multitudes of activities and things that so quickly fill my time.

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