I’ve felt a bit emotional the past days. I think it’s really sinking in that I’m going to be moving here, and the whole reality of having to start over (again) and build mostly new relationship and friendships (again) kind of overwhelms me. Especially when I’m around family which I love and miss when I’m gone.
However, I am hoping being here these days will settle me a bit. I know this is all part of transition and so I keep pushing through.
Well, outside it was pouring down with rain just a minute ago and my flight was delayed because of wind. I guess this is Dutch winter weather. Out of the window I do see a “De Oliebollerte” which I think is kind of like a Dutch doughnut place. It’s red and looks very Christmassy. I think the large Christmas tree decorated in oversized snowflakes and blue helps with the Christmas feel.
Anyway, my coffee is done and I should get going. Not looking forward to from train to bus to carrying, but I know what to expect so I think it won’t be too bad. And it’ll be good to settle in, for a little while anyways.