It’s only two days till we kick off the Shine Seminar. This morning we were meeting as a team and it felt like this huge pile of muddled details were in my head to sort out on the front end. But as we talked and prayed and met together the pile became actions and decisions, and I left the meeting with my mind a little less full of things and with peace filling the gaps of busyness. It’s exciting! I’m excited to finally get started!
Right now I’ve made it through my list of emails to write and different things to type up. I have put on the web stream and find myself focusing on Jesus as I agree with the words sung: “I can never undo what You’ve done, so come and love me like You do. Teach me to let to let You wash my feet, although I should be the one who pours love on You. Nothing could separate this love. Even my weak attempts to show You how I feel. I am weak, but this is real, it’s real love.” At the end of the day, all I am doing is unto walking with Jesus and partnering with His heart. His love is so real and it’s that same love that loves to break the bonds of injustice and set people free.