Sometimes I wonder what it really means to live life in the moment. What it looks like to be present in the now without sharing ones attention with what has been or is to come. What does it feel like to be fully living what is being lived right in that moment, and would it be more joyous? Does joy come merely from what is being experienced right then, or is there a place where joy is also generated through the remembering and anticipating? And do events have to fit into one of the categories or is it possible that a single event could end up bringing life before and beyond it's moment?
Sometimes I think we forget the joy of the moment. So often we are watching life through the camera on our smartphones, and miss those unique moments, where the simple act of taking a deep breath as you watch something like a beautiful sunset or someone smiling, brings a sense of amazement. Amazement which is uninterrupted by thoughts of how and who will "like" the photo. Amazement which is just yours. Just for a moment. There is something so precious about having moments that are just yours. And should you choose to share them, such a privilege to be the one with whom you choose to put to words what you have just captured. One selected amongst many to be the receiver of the experience rather then one of many who have seen it in passing as they scroll through their newsfeed.
And so as I continue to journey through this time of Summer, I want to be intentional about living in the moment. Intentional about seeing things not only through my phone, and keeping some of those glimpses for myself or shared with selected people who have time to appreciate the moment with me. And with that I expect to find joy; both in the anticipating, living, and remembering.