The coffee was ready, cookies nicely laid out on a plate, the
preparation was done, and Shannon and I were ready. Ready to welcome one of the
ladies we’d met in the windows to a Bible study she’d asked for. But this time
was like the last time, she didn’t show up. We waited for an hour, knowing that
she probably was a no-show after half an hours waiting, but still wanting to be
available and hoping that she was just running late. Well, she never did come.
So we tidied everything away, and although we had so hoped she’d come,
at least we got to have a nice chat while we were waiting. And the response of
my heart to the reality of yet another missed appointment was not so much that
she didn’t come, but hoping she was alright and that she wouldn’t feel ashamed
to have missed our appointment.
As I was reflecting this evening I was reminded of the unpredictability
of pioneering, and I guess of working with broken people. You never quite know
how things will work out. And yet I don’t feel discouraged or disappointed.
Maybe it’s something I’ve learnt over the years of having to deal with many
many missed appointments (the less enjoyable ones being the 7am meetings with
the kids in Brazil when I’d get up really really early to go with them to the
doctor or some other appointment they’d have). I get sad for them, that they
are missing out on opportunities which would bring them into more life, yet I have
peace in the midst of it. I know that I can’t choose for anyone and I can’t
make anyone do anything. I can just turn up and be available and not give up.
And I think the key is to not be doing it for their sake. As much as I wanted
the lady to come today, the heart motivation for why prepared everything today
was for God. Because I want Him to be loved by her, because He is my
motivation. Without Him I don’t have enough love or patience, and I certainly
don’t have the power to change anyone’s life. But He does. And He isn’t
surprised by anything. Yet He chooses to use you and me to reflect His
character and love. And He would wait and He would keep turning up and He would
keep loving, no matter what the response.
And so I keep going. One opportunity at the time. Always hoping all
things and bearing all things. Walking in patience and kindness, and not
getting frustrated but choosing to believe all things, believe the best. Because
that is what loving is, and that is what we’re called to do.