Brazil has this really really cool law that anyone who is elderly, pregnant, or disabled has priority in queues and on busses. It really is such an amazing way of valuing and taking care of these people who already face difiiculties in life. It's amazing to see how people also really respect the principle of this law. If an old person comes to the front of the queue where people might have been stood for hours, there is no complaining. And if a pregnant woman stands at the back, she is quickly encouraged to go to the front.
It is also good that the elderly over a certain age get to go for free on the buss, and hence enter the buss at the front as opposed to the back (where paying customers get on). It's good because it means that you know that they are elderly and need a seat. I guess because of genetics, but also the sun and toughness of life, people age much younger here. A woman who is mabye 50 might look to me like she is in her late 60s.
I was reflecting on how good this law is the other day as I was sat in an eye-clinic with one of the girls from the community. But as I looked around me there, there were 90% old people, and so I guess the law doesn't really come to much use there, and everyone must wait their turn.
This is one thing in the Brazilizn society which brings value to people and something we can all be a part of.