This evening we went to hear a YWAMer speak at one of the churches here in Riga. It was such a breath of fresh air! After hearing and learning so much about trafficking and how to fight it and the complexity of it (which was what we tackled in our teaching time this morning), it was so refreshing to stop and just hear about Jesus. The speaker shared from his life and I am so in awe at how amazing God is.
So much good stuff was shared, but my two highlights were:
- You can lean into the character of God, and even if you’re not sure what He’s saying, you can be sure of who He is.
- The purpose for why God has you where He has you is that it’s the place where you can grow the closest in friendship with Jesus.
It was speaking my language! It’s all unto friendship with Jesus. It’s so simple, yet so profound.
I am praying and thinking a lot these days about my purpose and role and what I’m going to be “doing” in Amsterdam after Shine ends. And so today it was so refreshing to be reminded that at the end of the day, what it really boils down to is walking in friendship with Jesus.
And as I sit here writing this I feel so hopeful about what lies ahead. I am encouraged by how amazing it is that in this very nation where there is so little hope, my heart is encountering the God of hope. And my prayer is that it wouldn’t just be me who finds hope and encounters hope in this place, but that the people of this city would connect with their Creator and the One whose plans for them are plans of hope.
Tomorrow we have more teaching in the morning, and in the evening we’re supporting the team going out to minister to the girls on the streets through intercession. It’s going to be an intense, but good day I expect.
My mug of tea is finished. I’m listening to Brandon Hampton on the webstream and the flat is quiet. The others are sleeping, but I am enjoying a moment of savoring friendship with Jesus and feeling my heart come alive. What a privilege to love Him here and love those He loves here.