After almost a year I’m back in Riga. Arriving on a grey and rainy day reminded me a little bit of what so many peoples lives here in the city look like. Hopeless and with so little joy. As we were briefing the team on what it’s like here, one of the things we were encouraged to do was smile. Smile at people on the streets. Smile at people on the bus. And watch for the response, or lack of it.
It’s strange to be back. Yesterday we went immediately to the building most of the team are staying in. It’s right in the middle of the area where the women in prostitution are, and at night you can see them looking for work. The building belongs to the local Lutheran church which is located in a huge church building just across the street. The area is one of the darker areas of the city. Which is why it’s so powerful to be there and be light!
After dinner and the Shine teaching session of the evening I went back to the apartment where the staff live as I was staying there. What a contrast. It’s an amazing apartment. Feels like a mansion. And for someone who comes from a small Amsterdam sized flat, it’s huge. You could get lost in it, and it’s literally (well not quite) a long walk from one end to the other. Space. So much space. And beautiful. And the perfect place to invite the broken in and shower them with the extravagant love of Jesus.
Peace. It’s so peaceful in this apartment. I’m having a slower morning. I am meeting with one of the staff today so we’re going out for coffee, so it’s given me a bit more time. I have loved just sitting here drinking a couple of huge mugs of tea. Well, the view from where I’m sitting isn’t the greatest (I see an old orange block of flats that is quite worn), but I have time. I’ve had time to process things and think and not rush. It’s been amazing!
And in a bit I’m heading out to a cafe. It’s good to be here. And I want to pay attention. Not just to what I hear and see, but to what God wants to reveal of His heart these days.