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Starting the week with worship | Connecting with the girls.

After drinking a cup of very sweet hot tea, and eating half a loaf of Mozambican bread, I headed to the dorm with the boys aged 8-18 to help assemble a donated trampoline. The boys were at school, and once it was put together we thought out all the possible ways these boys would think of to use the newly acquired plaything. After a lot of thinking we figured that chaining it to a neighbouring tree would be the best strategy for storing it when not in use.  And we hoped that the boys would not destroy it too soon as these are 25 active boys at an age where "careful" isn't part of their vocabulary.

Then it was time for staff worship. I walked over to the prayer hut area with an amazing British missionary who works with donations, feeding poor families, and has a ministry to widows. We had a great chat and her being from Devon, I got to share my appreciation of clotted cream.

At the prayer hut, staff worship was starting; a time when Mozambican staff and missionaries come together to praise God. It was pretty similar to a church service, except there was a lot more singing and dancing, and less preaching. The Mozambicans were all at the front, and there were two keyboards sounding like synthesizers, and there was so much joy! As soon as music flowed they started dancing. What a joy to watch. It was amazing to see these people dance and dance and dance; sometimes with jumps and sometimes with different hand movements and twirls. After an hour of that they would not need to exercise any more that week, that's for sure! I stood with them, but didn't feel confident to join in fully as the steps were complicated and I was afraid I would trip up.

But the most beautiful person there was a teenager from the special needs housee. It brought tears of joy to my eyes seeing him up there worshipping. He would follow along or make up his own moves, and even with limitied muscle function, you could tell that his heart was fully functioning with a love for Jesus. I think most of us could learn a few things from the simplicity and depth of his devotion.

After lunch it was time to instruct the before-mentioned boys in trampoline etiquette. I joined the missionary who is responsible for them to help her translate, as she wanted to make sure the boys understood, and she is still learning Portuguese. After gathering the boys in their small classroom (painted yellow, and in fact most of the children's dorms are painted in vivid colours), she started talking, and I translated. It was fun to see the reaction fo some of the boys when I opened my mouth to speak, and they realized that I wasn't just an English speaking visitor, but that I actually speak a language they can understand. After clearly explaining the rules of playing on the trampoline and emphasising some other things, the boys were off to their activities. Some to play and others to extra study groups or other things.

I had wondered how I could connect a bit with the girls, and later that afternoon there was an opportunity to do just that. A father and son visiting wanted to do something special for the older girls, and I tagged along. We sat around a table in the garden eating pastries and making loom bracelets. It was fun to chit chat with them and break down a little bit of the barrier that is always there when you first meet someone. I learned some of their names and am so touched by the beauty in them and the potetial each of them has.

The rest of the day was pretty much interacting with children and visitors. The team I am here with arrived which was lovely, and we had a home group for visitors where one of the missionaries here shared her story. It was very encouraging and upbuilding.

It was a full day with many impressions, and yet makes me so thankful that I get to spend this time right here in this beautiful place surrounded by amazing people.

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