At 5 am the safari jeep picked us up. The weather was misty, and as we drove to the park I was hoping it wouldn't rain (it turned into a lovely day). Arriving there I was so excited, and hoped, just hoped we might get a glimpse of an elephant.
It was an amazing day! As soon as we entered the park the first thing we saw were several elephants right next to the road. Needless to say I was busy taking many many photos, which probably became hundreds throughout the day.
We saw so many animals up close- many more elephants, giraffes, rhinos, hyenas, wilderbeast and buffalo herds crossing the road, hundreds of impala, kudu, wharthog and hippopotamus and baboon in the distance, monkeys, one with her baby under her stomach, and a lion and a leopard. The lion looked straight at us and walked across the road at such a leisurely pace it was breathtaking. The leopard was hidden beneath a tree and scuffled away after a few minutes, but left enough time for us to photograph it. And the giraffes were everywhere, with their elegant long necks and sway as they walk.
It was such a wonderful day, and add to that the view of the park (the whole park is the size of Israel so we only saw part of it) and the scenery made it the perfect safari. At the end of the day we were exhausted, but with our experience tank filled and memory cards on our cameras full of photos. A day that is best relived through photos.